Dr. Adrian Low

The psychological mask is a guide, "A mask for your heart," was jointly produced by Post Crisis Counseling Network (PCCN) and Hong Kong Association of Psychology (HKAP).

Presented in plain language, the guide listed six situations and related psychological burden that different people may encounter, including ordinary people, medical staff, people infected with the disease, and how they could adjust their mindsets and behavior."





How the Psychological Defense guide started  

Timothy To, founding executive director of Post-Crisis Counselling Network (PCCN), found out during his recent visit to the blind people that some of them are lack of surgical masks, which often resulted in psychological problems such as anxiety. Therefore, To decided to do something to meet both their material and mental needs."

"A mask for your heart" - Psychological guide launched in Hong Kong amid COVID-19 outbreak

We hope that it does not only help people in Hong Kong, but also those in the mainland and around the world,"

Dr. Adrian Low
Chartered Psychologist
President, Hong Kong Association of Psychology

Quote Open 2

Supporting Orgs.

The Covid-19 Psychological Mask is for you if ...


(2) You are currently in a LOCKDOWN and you don't know what to do...

(3) Your loved ones is being QUARANTINED...

(4) You have LOST your loved ones to the COVID-19

(5) You are a Medical Professional and you are currently under HIGH STRESS

(6) You are NOT SURE if you are affected by the Pandemic

(7) Your friends and loved ones are affected by the Pandemic


Just fill in your NAME, EMAIL and COUNTRY at the page below and we'll send you the PACKAGE.


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Click here to  see  Xinhua News Agency report

Click here to see Hong Kong News report
Click here to see Xinhua News Agency report with video (In Chinese)

Click here to see Hong Kong Chinese Media report


As Seen On Media - Reports on Dr Adrian's Psychological Mask

It's the only mask that's shareable