Dr. Adrian Low

Without psychological health you can't have true health

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星級人氣特許心理學家 劉英健博士 近日接受及出席多間媒體訪問和拍攝工作,包括Channel News Asia, TVB, VIU TV, 香港電台,AIA, Prudential, South China Morning Post, Esteem Psychology magazine 等等, 人氣飊升。特許心理學家 劉英健博士認為「一定要有心理健康,才得到真正的健康」這句格言,非常具有意思。的而且確,在繁榮的都市中,物質齊備,但為何人總是離快樂很遠? 而得到截而不同的情感和情緒疾病? 這些也是我們在物質社會下的副產品。「心靈口罩」是劉英健博士提出的大家可以分享的東西,在疫情下,人與人之間產生很大的隔膜,在口罩的阻隔下,變得無法溝通,「心靈口罩」就是一種能將人重新連繫的錦囊,讓心靈脆弱和受困擾的人們,能重新建立互信和連結。

See our services

Reverse, Restore, Renew Yourself

Scientific & Progressive Psychology

Initial Screening

Detailed intake assessment for children and adults which address the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of each person’s life.
Comprehensive screens for psychiatric, learning,and brain system problems.

Targeted Treatment

Based on the initial screening, the symptom clusters and type the person is exhibiting warrants how it should be treated.

Integrated Approach

We look at the person in the following areas:

how your physical body and brain function
Developmental issues and how you think
Social support and interactions, and your current life situation
Your connection to God, the planet, and past and future generations, and your deepest sense of meaning and purpose

Start the Journey

Get in touch with Dr.Adrian & Team

Please leave a message below and my team will contact you
請在下麵留言,Dr A 的團隊會將與您聯繫.

17/F Tak Sing Alliance Building,

115, Chatham Road South,

Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

Tel: +852 2727 3303